Friday, December 11, 2009

The Moments to Remember

Some typical moments I sometimes wish would happen with me and my boyfriend are kissing in the rain, dancing in a fancy ballgown in a parking lot under a starry sky of course with the lovesongs on the radio, him showing up unannounced on my doorstep just to see me again, him taking me on a picnic at night on the beach, etc...all s out there you know what I am talking about.

Every has dreams...but you know I found dating my boyfriend is those are not what is important even though I may have the most romantic night of my life. I wouldn't not consider my boyfriend to be the best because he was "the man of my dreams" by dancing with me in the parking lot, or showing up to suprise me even though I would love him for it.

I consider my boyfriend to be so great because he respects me as a person. He protects me and cares about my safety. He goes out of his way to be open for me to run to him about anything I am upset about. He prays for me and for our relationship. I love how he puts his family first although I give him so much grief over it, but it is true- I love how he loves his family and desires to connect and spend time with them. He has such a compassionate and kind heart. And last of all his love for the Lord is what I probably love the most.
So in the end, I found out that character in a man is more valuable than romantic settings that I had dreamed of experiencing with someone. I would pick my current boyfriend over one of my "typical moments" any day of the week!